Integrated Environmental Solutions
Let's Join To Build The Better World Together
The environmental dimension should be the axis and the main support that serves the framework of work in its technical, economic and environmental sectors in order to achieve safe sustainability of natural resources and investment within the environmental axes, and to ensure the preservation of the environment and the rights of future generations in accordance with Egypt’s Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 and COP 27 and in cooperation with all relevant sectors.

We Have Power Today To Change Tomorrow!
supports all environmental services and consulting activities to meet the needs of environmental activities in the private and governmental sectors, international organizations and civil society organizations with the highest quality and technology in the fields of sustainable development and protection of natural resources.
Arab Abu Saed Region
The Center for IES for Hazardous Waste in the Arab Abu Saed region,also contributes to supporting the system
Egypt In General
Supporting the system of transportation, handling, and safe disposal of hazardous and medical waste,
Check Our Services
Find sustainable solutions, as the term environmental sustainability requires; Reducing waste at source, reusing and recycling to achieve “zero waste” and/or “zero landfilling”.

Integrated Management Of Solid And Liquid Waste

Environmental Consulting And Services

Capacity Building And Environmental Awareness

Integrated Management Of Solid And Liquid Waste

Integrated Management Of Solid And Liquid Waste

Integrated Management Of Solid And Liquid Waste
Towards a Better Future And a More Sustainable Environment !
Establish a firm principle for enhancing economic sustainability as well as the environment for local communities and current and future generations.
we seek to obtain a global position as a leading company

The environmental dimension should be the axis
Our Work Promise To Uphold The Trust !
Empowering sustainability through our recycling projects, we breathe new life into discarded materials, contributing to a circular economy and a cleaner planet.
Our Goals
Providing training services to raise the efficiency of the human element and qualify it to work in all elements of the environmental system

Providing distinguished services in the fields of environmental services and integrated management of all types of waste (collection, transportation, treatment, and safe disposal).

Providing distinguished services in the fields of environmental and specialized studies and consultations.

Building partnerships with specialized entities to establish environmental projects.

Implementing pioneering environmental projects to improve the environment.

Develop systems for integrated management to utilize waste and raise the rate of recycling and investment in this field.

Providing the best practical and scientific solutions for facilities using the best methods and modern technologies to protect natural resources, taking into account the economic aspects and goals of the facility.
Global Position
We seek to obtain a global position as a leading company in providing services and consultations in the fields of sustainable development and protection of natural resources through its regional and international partnerships.
Environmental leadership for sustainable development.
Our Latest Insights
“Cultivating a thriving future, our planting projects nurtures ecosystems, one seed at a time, fostering environmental resilience and biodiversity.”